I have a wind of 25 m/s, say in the x direction. I want to apply on the water surface a wind shear of 1.5 N/m
2. Normally the starting point is a parametrization of the general form:
wind shear stress = air density * drag coefficient * squared wind velocity at a certain height
Hence I know that, with an air density of 1.2 kg/m
3, I can set a drag coefficient C
D of 0.002.
However, I found the description of the 'wind influence' in TELEMAC unconventional and a bit wobbly -- arguments provided in
another post.
What is the value of the keyword COEFFICIENT OF WIND INFLUENCE that I have to set in the *.cas file together with WIND VELOCITY ALONG X?
Is the keyword COEFFICIENT OF WIND INFLUENCE the drag coefficient in the formula above?
Thanks for helping out with this