Thank you Riadh for you support.
Please find in the attached the following folder (zipped with winrar) :
1-SHARED : GEO.slf, CLI.cli, LIQUID and POROSITE.f files. These files are common for the all the simulations : copy/paste them in each simulation folder.
2- TEST_10, TEST_20, TEST_50, TEST_100 and TEST_200 : folders were CAS files are stored and eventually sources files too. For example, TEST_50 deals with the simulation of 50 sources points.
3- RESULTS : results of simulations and their log files (i.e for 10 source points, you will find R2D_10.slf and R2D_10.out).
And now TELEMAC2D resutls :
Each source point has a constant discharge of 0.2 m3/s. Note that time step dt = 1s
10 sources : Volume added by sources = 2 m3 , this is correct cause 0.2*10*dt =2m3
20 sources : Volume added by sources = 4 m3 → this is correct too.
50 sources : Volume added by sources = 8.16 m3 → this is false : 0.2*50*dt = 10m3
100 sources : Volume added by sources = 17 m3 → TELEMAC must find 20 m3
200 sources : Volume added by sources = 34 m3 → TELEMAC must find 40 m3.
Finally, the error grows up with the number of sources.
I have checked both bilan.f and difsou.f but still have no idea about why telemac did these errors on the volume added by sources in each time step.
Riadh, any remark or indication from you will be appreciated. Hope find the mistake my be in my steering file or in difsou.f