Thanks for your attention.
I want to get a steady initial condition and then continue the calculation use the actual datas in the study area.
There are four boundary conditions, which two inflow at upstream(controlled by Q1,Q2), on outflow at midstream(controlled by Q3),and on outflow at downstream(controlled by Z). Please see the result picture.
The elevation at upstream is about 567, at downstream is about 465, so at first of the calculation, condition given as follow:
# Water Level at open boundaries
# MAODAOMEN estuary
T Q(1) Q(2) Q(3) SL(4)
s m^3/s m^3/s m^3/s m
0 20.00 10.00 0 599.5
86400 40.00 20.00 0 550.5
172800 60.00 30.00 0 500.5
259200 80.00 40.00 0 484.2
345600 80.00 40.00 0 480.7
432000 80.00 40.00 0 476.2
518400 75.00 80.00 0 470.7
604800 75.00 80.00 0 467.2
691200 75.00 80.00 0 467.2
777600 75.00 80.00 0 467.2
864000 75.00 80.00 0 467.2
950400 75.00 80.00 0 467.2
Also calculation continue about 10DAYS with the boundary Q1=75 Q2=80 Q3=0 Z=467.2, but the water surface decline very slowly, and the water depth just as follow showed:
the water depth variation given as follow(which just the last ten days of calculation)
In which way could I get the better steady initial condition which the water just flow in the riverway or if there another method usually used to get the initial condition?
Another question that give the rain and evaporation vary in time and space, the user manual suggest that they can be introduced through the meteo file, see water quality, wind and rain validation test cases (in folder examples/telemac2d), but I can't find the example file, is there anyone can show the name of the file?