First of all, you can find more detail regarding the Curve Number runoff model and its implementation in T2D in my article from the Proceedings of last year's user conference (2016). You also have a test case called "pluie" in examples/telemac2d.
To answer your questions:
1/ Yes, the initial abstraction is withdrawn from the rainfall according to the CN model formulation (there is even an option to use another initial abstraction ratio, 0.05, see the article from the proceedings).
2/ The runoff is calculated in the same way as for rain and is applied on each node. If you define your CN locally on the mesh (ie. at each mesh node) you can then model a spatially varying runoff. The rain is however defined as constant in space.
I know that folk at EDF also use Green-Ampt but this has not yet been officially released and I don't know if it will be. The runoff routine (runoff_scs_cn.f) is actually rather simple and one could adapt it to another runoff model with some moderate fortran skills.
Hope this helps!
Happy new year,
Best regards