Hello, I would like to ask some questions about Wind influence
First,I had a tide model, and would like to simulate it with the wind data. untill now i checked some parameters related.
1. Wind variable in time, constant in space, OPTION FOR WIND = 2.
2. I added the fo1_wind file to FORMATTED DATA FILE 1, formate like in the "wind" example.(TIME FUAIR FVAIR)
3. For COEFFICIENT OF WIND INFLUENC, I checked the previous posts. (Thanks to Chi-Tuan and Jonathan for their guidance.) I added the fortran file force.f to define COEFFICIENT OF WIND INFLUENC and some related force.
4. I also checked the TIME STEP for the simulation and the wind data are based every 600s. (Thanks to Laurent's post reminding it before)
but the process of simulation was not i expect, the wind data not used to simulate in telemac, i dont know how to fix it. so i would like attach my steering file, fo1_wind file, and force.f file.
thank you for helping