I am trying to get a 2D model up and running that has 10 tracers. I am using version v7p3r1 and attempting to run in parallel.
With 5 tracers the model runs fine but I am getting the following error with 10 tracers:
MAX_BASKET_SIZE, NOMB: 10 14application called MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 2) - process 0
I have tried to search this on the forum, I have read the related posts and tried many things but still haven't found the solution. Things I have tried include:
1. Attempting to change the MAX_BASKET_SIZE key word to 15 by copying streamline.f (from
editing MAX_BASKET_SIZE and the copying into my .f file.
2. Attempting to change the MAXIMUM NUMBER OF TRACERS. I attempted to do this by changing this as a keyword in declarations_telemac2d.f however I noted that MAXSCE is no longer a parameter that can be altered in V7. I noticed that on the release notes to V7 it states; "MAXIMUM NUMBER OF TRACERS These 4 new keywords are used to give an a priori dimension to a number of allocatable files, they give the values of respectively MAXFRO, MAXBLB, MAXSCE and MAXTRA." I assumed this meant that including MAXIMUM NUMBER OF TRACERS = 30;30;100;100 in my cas file would set the maximum number of tracers to 100 so I tried this.
Unfortunately neither of these worked and the error was unchanged. Note that I intend to introduce the tracers through water sources but for now I have just commented out the water sources in the cas file to try and get the model working without first.
My CAS file, .f and output file is attached. Any help would be much appreciated.
Many thanks,