Hello Neil,
I have found the problem with your model.
It is because of the number of tracers you model (10) and the use of 2 features:
- characteristics in parallel for the advection schemes (that is what I told you, so it is still needed to use SCHEME FOR ADVECTION OF TRACERS=5;5;5;5;5;5;5;5;5;5 + SCHEME OPTION FOR ADVECTION OF TRACERS = 4;4;4;4;4;4;4;4;4;4) rather than the default values. Anyway, as told before, they are better to simulate tracers and conservation of tracers,
- Thompson conditions for the computation of the boundary conditions. I would advise to use the default value for OPTION FOR LIQUID BOUNDARIES = 1;1;1;1;1;1;1 or simply comment your current line with this keyword (the number of values equal to the number of liquid boundaries is automatically filled by TELEMAC-2D if you do not write the keyword OPTION FOR LIQUID BOUNDARIES).
In that case, you may have to change the code 5 6 6 (i.e. prescribed water depth/elevation and velocities) in the BOUNDARY CONDITIONS FILE to 5 4 4 (i.e. prescribed water depth/elevation and free velocities) and let the code for tracers at 5 as you have done.
With that, I think you should enter and start your simulation.