I everybody,
Project: coupling Telemac2d and Tomawac to study the hydrodynamics induced by a submerged sea wall on cnoidal waves in the Bages-Sigean lagoon. (Study U,V,and HM0).
First, I generated a simplistic bathymetry but close to the one of the lagoon on a 500x500 grid, and I add the sea wall. (see figure bathy-3D)
I applied to the boundaries of my domain: Open Boundary with prescribed UV and H (555) (see figure Mesh-and-boundaries)
The problem is that the water depth does not exceed 1.20m, and I have the impression that the fact of launching the forcing at the limits in shallow water makes the model unstable
I have several problem:
1) I first try to understand and control the system with Telemac 2D. I ran a .cas file where I described the parameters and changed them to match my simulation (see T2DCAS.cas file). But the results show uv velocities that enters through a small section of my border (see fig. bug-uv).
2) I am able to launch models by coupling TELEMAC2D and TOMAWAC, but I would like to launch only waves which will then generate currents, how to specify in the .cas file of telemac2d that the incoming values are equal to 0? (option : see Tom-waves.cas).
Thank you very much for your help.
Best regards,