[repost with missing sources file] Hello,
I'm fairly new to Telemac and trying to simulate the diffusion-advection of salinity in a tidal river.
The values of the tracers at the sources or the boundaries are always those given respectively by the PRESCRIBED TRACERS VALUES (VALEURS IMPOSEES DES TRACEURS) or VALUES OF THE TRACERS AT THE SOURCES (VALEURS DES TRACEURS DES SOURCES) keywords even though I have included the T(Boundary#,Tracer#) columns in the liquid file and T(Source#,Tracer#) in the source file. I thought the liquid and sources file should supercede these keywords for tracers, since they work like this for the discharge.
If I comment out PRESCRIBED TRACERS VALUES the tracer value at boundaries becomes 0, and if I comment out VALUES OF THE TRACERS AT THE SOURCES I get an expected error and end of run.
Anyway, I have surely missed something but I can't see what...
I have included the .cas file, the liquid boundary file and the source file. I am running v8p3.
Thanks in advance,