Hello Sina,
Hard to help you without at least an image showing your issue or having the geometry file + atmospheric file to try to reproduce your issue.
Anyway, I would advise you to solve your issue step by step by trying usual features or simplifications of your TELEMAC-2D model:
- no wind + classical surface elevation variation with 1 value per liquid boundary,
- constant wind + classical surface elevation variation with 1 value per liquid boundary,
- wind varying in time with the same value all over the domain + classical surface elevation variation with 1 value per liquid boundary,
- no wind + your own tentative implementation to make the surface elevation varying in space and time,
- constant wind + your own tentative implementation to make the surface elevation varying in space and time,
- wind varying in time with the same value all over the domain + your own tentative implementation to make the surface elevation varying in space and time.
By doing this, you may isolate what may create what you assume to be too high velocities.
Hope this helps,