Dear devs,
Looking at the code for circular culvert when culvert option equals 2, it seems that I need to define both LARG and HAUT/HAUT2 to correctly compute flow in culvert.
Radius (1 and 2) of a circular culvert is defined here taking half of HAUT and HAUT2.
I didn't look much further in code so I set HAUT and HAUT2 in my culvert file and I let LARG equals to 0 as it should not be used (I thought).
But no flow where computed in my simulation.
Looking more carefully in code, I found that LARG is used to compute linear losses (
With LARG = 0, RAYON = 0, L = infinite, Q = 0
It should be consistent in code: either LARG or HAUT/HAUT2 should be used for circular culvert but not both.
It confuses users.