Hi all,
I'm having trouble wrapping my head around how to use tracers and point sources to simulate salinity (or any other contaminant) exiting a point source on the mesh. So far, I've tried specifying 1 and 2 point source location(s) with GLOBAL NUMBERS OF SOURCE NODES, specifying 1 or 2 tracers with names 'SALINITY KG/M3 ', and specifying initial and boundary values for tracers (at this stage, I just want a constant outflow of salinity from 1-2 points). I also specified some diffusion/advection parameters but I cannot recall what I used.
The results I am getting are disappointing, as the result is a uniform distribution of salinity across the whole domain.
Moreover, I am confused as when I specify 1 tracer, only 1 boundary condition is required but when I specify 2 tracers, 4 boundary conditions are required… does the number of BCs scale with the square of the number of tracers?
My main reference has been chapters 8 and 9 of the TELEMAC-2D user manual, as well as the validation manual and sample case for tracers (cone). However, I feel there is some gap in my knowledge and understanding of tracers that I just don't know how to fill ("you don't know what you don't know" principle).
My goal is to simulate the outflow of a high salinity mixture into a freshwater river. Apologies for not including CAS files, but I don't have a definite case put together yet and tried to put something together as a proof of concept using the riogrande example case.
Any guidance is welcome. As mentioned, I have read the manuals but do not yet understand how tracers work and why the salinity is constant across the whole domain.
Kind regards,
André Renault