I already included this in the VARIABLES FOR LISTING PRINTOUTS, but the log only contains each parameter value for each node, identified with its number.
To manage with the data with a GIS software (eg for a maximal extents flooding map), I would need to have directely the parameters value on each node's coordinates X and Y.
I had a look at the subroutine, but i am absolutely not familiar with fortran...
Maybe fudaa can do such a thing ?
Otherwise, i have a question regarding the results i got from the computation. I have hydrographs characterized by a non-realistic peak flow. This occurs for the firsts "wet" time steps. You have a picture enclosed.
When comparing with the SL profile on fudaa, i can see that to the high peak flow value corresponds a high water surface. Thus, these high peak flow values don't seem to be generated by the integration method (fudaa).
I have also enclosed screenshots of the mesh around the 2 profiles with this feature at the first "wet" time step.
Maybe the problem might be that my mesh is not refined enough? Or can it be solved by computing using specific numerical configuration ?
Thank you inadvance !