I have this msg at the first time step, t=0s.
I used fudaa to modify the IC with water surface = 2,3 m everywhere execpt on the points located on and nearby my upstream BC, where i set a logical height.
I then have a initCond.ser file, and use the resultat file procedure.
I removed the "COTE INITIALE = 2,3" from the steering file.
When launching the calculation with this setting, i have the same problem.
Before the first time step, telemac is reading my IC file and states:
"RESCUE: fichier de resultats du calcul precedent sans la vitesse U, on la prend nulle
RESCUE: fichier de resultats du calcul precedent sans la vitesse V, on la prend nulle
RESCUE: hauteur d'eau calculee avec le fond et la surface libre"
I thought the problem may be that my IC file does not have U speed information, which is non coherent with my speed profile defined on my upstream boundary. But i don't know how can i do to define it...
Do you have an idea ?