Hi all,
I am running a TELEMAC-2D simulation in both SAINT-VENANT FE and SAINT-VENANT FV (finite elements vs finite volumes), due to FE velocities being much lower than predicted. FV provides more realistic velocities and a more stable stolution (FE had temporal oscillations), at additional computational expense.
One of the necessary outputs for this study is shear stress, which involves the use of friction velocity u* (USTAR) as a proxy (in postprocessing, using USTAR^2 * 1000). When I run the simulation in FE, the friction velocities are reasonable, around 0.10-0.13 m/s, which gives shear stresse up to 50 N/m2 (high, but this is a high velocity channel). However, when I run the simulation in FV, the friction velocities (not the shear stresses!) in the same areas reach 1100 m/s. This is obviously unrealistic, but I have noticed that these values are 10^4 times greater than values from FE modelling. Dividing u* by 10000 before the operation thus yields realistic shear stresses.
It could be a coincidence, but I suspect that between FE and FV, there are different units being furnished to the calculation of u* that have this impact on the results. Unfortunately, I do not have the time to look into this right now, but I thought I would bring it to the attention of the community. Either something is wrong in the source code for SAINT-VENANT, or there is something else going on regarding the change of numerical scheme I'm simply not aware of, in which case I'm awfully curious to know what's going on.
Kind regards,
André Renault