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TOPIC: Best Practices for Simulating Tidal Currents Using TELEMAC-2D ??

Best Practices for Simulating Tidal Currents Using TELEMAC-2D ?? 3 months 2 days ago #45553

Hello everyone,

I am currently working on a coastal hydrodynamics project and need to simulate tidal currents using TELEMAC-2D. My primary focus is accurately representing tidal forcing and ensuring that the model handles the complex boundary conditions typical in a coastal environment.

I have already set up the basic mesh and bathymetry but I am still unsure about the best practices for defining open boundary conditions, especially when using tidal data (like from TPXO or FES databases). Are there any specific methods or configurations within TELEMAC-2D that can improve the accuracy of tidal current simulations: ?? I would also appreciate any advice on calibrating the model to match observed tidal levels and velocities, as well as tips on selecting appropriate turbulence models for coastal zones.

If anyone has experience with similar projects or can share relevant case studies, I would love to hear your insights !! Any resources or references would also be greatly appreciated. I also read this https://www.opentelemac.org/index.php/assistance/forum5/16-telemac-2d/11210-advices-for-river-with-tidal-tensorflow-influence-simulation but didn't understand.

Thank you in advance !!

David Miller
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Best Practices for Simulating Tidal Currents Using TELEMAC-2D ?? 1 month 3 weeks ago #45674

  • pham
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Hello David,

You can read this paper:

As written in the link you have already seen, you can have a look at the TELEMAC-2D example called tide, e.g. the 2 steering files t2d_tide-ES_real.cas (for TPXO-like solutions) or t2d_tide-NEA_prior_real.cas (for FES-like solutions). See folder $HOMETEL/examples/telemac2d/tide

You can read the TELEMAC-2D user manual available here:
and in particular the "Tidal Harmonic consitutents databases" subsection (4.2.13 for release v8p5).
You have a few keywords to help to calibrate:

The first 2 ones to calibrate tidal levels and the last one to calibrate tidal velocities. You can also calibrate friction coefficient, use friction by zones , etc.

You can try every turbulence model available in TELEMAC-2D, the problem with constant viscosity is you have to set the keyword VELOCITY DIFFUSIVITY.
Depending on the area you model, it may not to be too sensitive.

Hope this helps,

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