Dear all,
I am doing some investigations on mesh resolutions and resamplings on the Toce Test Case, a test case from a physical experiment regarding the interaction of building blocks in a flood wave (as in:, and am currently optimizing the model setup.
When deciding for a scheme for the advection, I think I stumbled upon some inconsistencies in the telemac user manual:
- In section 7.2.1 "Numerical schemes in Finite Elements", the following schemes are recommended for tidal flats: "1;5;4 or 4;5;4 when there are no dry zones, and 1;5;14 or 14;5;14 when there are tidal flats. For dam break studies option 14;5 is recommended."
- In the section for Tidal Flats (7.5), however, schemes 13, 14, 4, 5, or 15 are recommended.
The validation test case "dambreak" gives a valuable comparison of the different schemes (also using FV), but I think it is a bit confusing that different schemes are suggested within the user manual, especially that the method of characteristics is recommended in one section and not in the other.
Am I missing some points here or would it make sense to elaborate/change some details in the user manual?
Kind regards