There is an issue opened on gitlab:
When time series files are handled, the mesh is already in Mercator projection.
You can work around this by giving coordinates in Mercator projection (see e.g. formula in $HOMETEL/sources/utils/bief/read_mesh_coord.f subroutine).
Another way is to convert the longitude/latitude coordinates with the same formulas in OUTHIST_PREPARE subroutine of the OUT_HISTORY module:
Conversion of TCDAT(IFILE)%XHISTOUT(I) and TCDAT(IFILE)%YHISTOUT(I) for I from 1 to NRPOINT, just before calling INTERP_POINT_PREPARE.
FYI GEOGRAPHIC SYSTEM keyword is only used for tide modelling and has no impact for time series files.
Hope this helps,