Bonjour à tous,
I would like to model a regulated reservoir as shown on Q3.jpg where upstream boundary is the most at North. At this location, I have inflow data.
At downstream location, (see Q2.jpg) the computational domain is cut just before power canal since i do not have precise bathymetric data. Turbined flows and water height are available at this point.
I seem to understand that using downstream prescribed flowrate is not 'good practice'. However, when I use historical water height as prescribed elevation at downstream, I never get close to historical turbined flow since water inflow takes quite a while to reach the dam. Ideally, i would I have used prescribed flowrate at both up and downstream and try to calibrate friction to get close to historical water height. Furthermore, the reservoir has relatively big water stock capacity so it takes about a day for turbined flow to have significant influence on the water depth.
To summarize, my questions would be :
1. In that case, is it OK to use prescribed flowrate at both end of the reservoir if numerical convergence happens??? If not, how would you model the outflow of my problem ?
2. Does somebody knows a piece of literature that explains in details why using prescribed flowrate at downstream is not ideal?
Merci beaucoup pour votre temps