I want to model a case where water is being pumped through an intake channel.
The water is pumped at the rate of 5.55 m3/sec.
I have made a simulation where I have imposed tide and current at the outer boundaries, varying through time and space.
At the end of the intake channel I have imposed a negative flow rate -5.55 m3/sec (boundary Q(1)). The flow rate is given through a liquid boundary file.
Is this a proper method of modeling a water intake channel?
Secondly if the water is taken through a pipeline which implies that water is directly taken from the river or estuary, then how is it possible to model the scenario in TELEMAC-2D. In other words how to create the condition for intake in a water body, because the nodes (at the intake) will not be at the boundary of the mesh.
I have attached the simulation case, which models the channel intake.