I'm currently trying to simulate tidal hydrodynamics in a marsh along the Western Scheldt with Telemac2D. I'm using an estuary-scale model (~200 m mesh) which is locally refined to a 8-20 m mesh in the study area.This resolution is probably quite rough to adequately simulate tidal marsh hydrodynamics, but I didnt want to refine any further with respect to computation times.
So, I'm dealing with a complex area that inundates and falls dry every tidal cycle and in which the flow directions might change quite abruptly compared to the mesh size, due to channel / creek meandering. My aim is to simulate the filling of the area and possible flood attenuation through the marsh as accurate as possible. I want to calibrate the model by varying bottom friction coefficients for the marsh channels and paltform, but I have the feeling that other parameters might be important to.
- Does anyone have experience with 2D modeling of such areas and what settings to use. For instance, Im now a bit confused about what solver is the best for this situation (1 or 7?).
- Given the changing flow directions in the channels and creeks I guess velocity diffusion / velocity diffusivity is important, but I'm not sure about the range of values I should test for this parameter (10^-4 up to 2?).
- And maybe there are other paramaters or model settings that I forgot about?
btw, I attached my current steering file..