I want to model an open channel case of constant slope bathymetry (2m - 2.4m) , on the intake side of channel the water is pumped in at constant rate of 1.9 m/s, and on the other side the channel empties into a pit where the water falls freely.
For the first boundary I imposed a discharge boundary condition by giving value 4 5 5 in boundary condition file, however I am not sure as what boundary condition I have to impose on the other end where the water is falling freely. I have run the case by giving free H, free V and free U due to which the boundary condition is 4 4 4, and simulation runs properly by giving the exact outfall discharge as the intake.
I want to know whether the method of boundary condition for free fall outfall condition is the correct method or not. If not then what possibly I may have to make change in the boundary condition.