Hello everybody,
actually I'm working on a model of a small mountain torrent, during a flood event. In particular I'm investigating the effects of the water near some idraulic structures (bridges, weirs and an hydroelectric power plant) along the torrent during the transition of the flow peak.
Boundary conditions are steady, and do not change for the entire duration of the analysis.
Since high velocity are expected, and I also need a good mesh resolution (1 point every 10 cm), I've run the simulation with a small time step.
The simulation has gone enough to reach a permanent condition, and the results are good.
So, here's come some problems.
A time step equal to 0.01 sec gives me a scenario, while setting 0.02 sec I obtain a totally different result.
In both cases the courant number is low (no more than 0.5).
Has someone else faced this situation before?
Thanks a lot.