1) on compatible computation of fluxes, it is very difficult to get the fluxes as they are computed in the program. For example an apparent flux across the solid boundaries in the output is not really taken into account in the mass balance. The option for compatible computation is a tentative way to get more accurate fluxes in this respect. A third and exact solution is uder way and will be hopefully in the next release.
2) The c-u preconditioning is used only when you use the primitive équations option (TREATMENT OF THE LINEAR SYSTEM : 1), which is now seldom used. In this case it is only a change of variables, the unknown depth being changed into the unknown celerity. In this case all the unknown (celerity and velocities) are in m/s so the system is unit independent, and it turns out to give a better conditioned system.
With best regards,
Jean-Michel Hervouet