I had a look at the problem Victor told me about. The file format specified for the binary inputs is indeed SELAFIN.
I looked at the binary records of the splitted selafin files (T2DBI1...) and the record that should contain IKLE is empty. The previous record contains the starting date, and the following record contains IPOBO.
What surprises me is that the number of elements (read before the 10 IPARAMS) is correct. Also, the splitted GEO files (T2DGEO...) are correct. The problem only occurs for the binary file T2DBI1. I checked the input selafin files (geometry and wind/pressure), they have exactly the same point coordinates, IKLE, ...
When launching a simulation on only 1 processor, we don't encounter this issue. It seems like the mesh splitting for each of the processors somehow fails for this binary input. If I could have a look at the routines that are used to split these files, it would be very helpful. Unfortunately I don't have enough time to look for it myself ; could you tell me which routine is that ?
Please find attached two examples, the headers of the geometry file and the wind/pressure file for the first processor. If you look at those you can see only IKLE for T2DBI1 is empty.
Thank you for your help. Best regards,
Raphaël Dubois