OK, so I understand more. You mean residual currents that would not be due to tides but to a general circulation which cannot be reproduced in a local model. Actually I do not know, the databases should give a "constant in time but variable in space" value that would trigger this general circulation but I am not sure that they do this (think that, without friction and at European latitudes, a slope of 1 cm per km gives a geostrophic current of about 1 m/s). This is a question that I ask myself also (answers from users welcome). I'll discuss this with colleagues (when they are back...). Anyway it should be possible to add a small linear in space elevation at the boundaries of a domain to get such a residual current, though it would require some tuning. The values given by databeses may be tuned also, multiplied by a correction factor, if I understand well, but I do not really catch how a residual current can pop up from this, since it is quite another phenomenon.
With best regards,
Jean-Michel Hervouet