Hello Hui,
I edit my case file how you advice to me, I got better results, but I still have high velocity along the boundary side
Hello Chi-Tuan,
I also tryed Gulf of Mexico rather than the regional Atlantic Ocean solution, but it doesn't work because my domain is bigger than Golfo of Mexico.
I'll fix the mesh, but in the main time I changed the case file how you suggest,
so I set (EQUATIONS = 'SAINT-VENANT EF') , (TYPE OF ADVECTION = 1;5), SOLVER = 1 , (TREATMENT OF THE LINEAR SYSTEM = 2), ADVECTION = YES (default value), I also set VARIABLE TIME-STEP = NO becouse I need to run with a fixed time step.
But the error that appears is in attach.
I'll fix the mesh and I'll let you know.
Maybe there is some problem on the tidal condition that I set? some thing wrong on the boundary conditions or cli file?
also with
Thanks so much for your help,
Best regards,