I have a flume model with one inlet, one outlet, and one sediment (NCO).
I have activated both bedload and suspended load. At the boundary, I have prescribed concentration for suspended load and solid discharge for bed load.
My aim is to make the concentration of my model depend on the boundary. Therefore, I have run a non-equilibrium case using the keyword below. However, when I change the concentration value at the boundary, the concentration prediction of my model does not change at all.
Does this mean that it only applies equilibrium and does not account for the concentration at the boundary?
Thanks in advance.
Liquid Boundary File:
T Q(1) SL(2) QG(1) "TR(1,1)" "TR(2,1)"
s m3/s m kg/s g/l g/l
0 0.058 -0.125 0.004 0.14 0.0
7200000 0.058 -0.125 0.004 0.14 0.0