I am working on a tide flow driven river system where I do not have credible information to setup the thickness of erodible boundary. Could someone from the forum point me in the right direction please?
This is a coupled TELEMAC2D, GAIA system. I am using the user_bed_init.f to specify the thickness.
- Run a loop from 1 to number of nodes and specify:
- ESTRATUM(1,IPOIN) = 10.0D0 [arbitrary value]
Adding to this, the thickness is only applied to region of the model where erosion is applied (by specifying the erodible/nonerodible flags in the .slf file.
Within the first 2-3 hours I see that some part of the bottom is eroding to 10.0m. The velocity range during the period is between 0-1.8 m/s and the region eroding had an initial bed elevation of -18.0 m.
When I change the erodible region to the whole model domain, I do not see erosion at the same spot.
Makes me question the results I observe.
- Is there a systematic procedure to calibrate and set the thickness of erodible layer?
- Is value I am observing physically possible?
The sediment class being used is as follows:CLASSES TYPE OF SEDIMENT = NCO;NCO;NCO;CO;CO
CLASSES SEDIMENT DIAMETERS = 0.002;0.0002;0.00008;0.00002;0.000002
Sediment sourcesThere are three fluid boundaries and sediment flux across the boundary at this point is assumed to be zero