to warm up a 2 years old post since I have to write in the context of a report about this topic. I want to propose again to change the upper threshold for the critical Shields stress in init_sediment.f from 0.045 to the original value of 0.055.
It or I may seem pedantic

but again I want to illustrate the issue:
given all the default keywords for the densities etc. in the Sisyphe steering file, using the VanRijn parametrization implemented in Sisyphe and doing the exercise for the two diameters:
d=6mm -> Dstar = 151 -> Shields crit = 0.045
d=5mm -> Dstar = 126 -> Shields crit = 0.053
gives a higher critical Shields stress for the smaller diameter.
In my view this is not logical. Other limits for the critical Shields stress proposed by different authors should be discussed independently.
Best regards,