Dear Telemac users,
I would like to model a surge event and look at the effect of the surge on the waves using Tomawac.
I know that I could couple telemac with tomawac to do so, but we would like to keep it simple to begin with.
The manual mentions that the subroutine ANAMAR enable to straightforward prescribe a time varying elevation and current in Tomawac. But unfortunately I have not found additional information on this forum (Has ANAMAR already been used?).
Anyway, I gave it a go, and tried to simulate a constant higher water elevation with ANAMAR (using DZHDT(IP)=5.D0, see attached, and calling this subroutine in tomawac steering file).
But I am unsure of the results: Comparing with another standalone tomawac run with no change in water elevation, I cannot see any difference in the "WATER DEPTH" variable, but all the WAVE parameters are different, so something is happening.
Could you please confirm or not that the water elevation is varying in the calculation?
If not, what should I do?
If yes, is there a way to see the surge in the "WATER DEPTH" variable?
Thanks a lot for any advice,
Kind regards,