Hi, I'd like to have a clearer idea for Memory Usage.
I have a global mesh of the oceans of 6km resolution with
1.538.748 nodes and 3.006.764 elements.
I have a RAM of 64GB
When I launch TOMAWAC, I get 12.5% usage i.e. 8GB
It roughly corresponds to:
nodes x freq (24) x directions(31) x 8 bites = 9.1GB
It seems to make sense.
When I launch TELEMAC2D, I get 5% RAM usage i.e. 3.2GB
If I calculate as Thierry has specified:
nodes x 8 bites x nparameters, it means I have roughly 260 parameters?
When I launch TELEMAC3D, I get 50% RAM usage i.e. 32GB
Here I really don't know how to translate this.
For TELEMAC, I'd expect the RAM usage actually depend on the Matrix/Numerical Scheme you use, correct?
Could someone provide estimate for TELEMAC2D/3D? Or point me towards the documentation, if there is a section on this aspect?
BTW, I'd had expected TOMAWAC to be more needy than TELEMAC3D, so this is not that bad after all IMO toby