I have some questions about what you said.
giovanni.mattarolo wrote:Hello,
-Rule of thumb : if you have a peak period of about 15s, take the lowest frequency equal to 0.035Hz.
You the lowest frequency = 1/15? But how could I determine the right peak period? Should I have to try with some values and check which one is ok ?
giovanni.mattarolo wrote:- concerning the model you implemented, you have to pay attention when you impose a free boundary condition onn a liquid boundaries: that means that all the wave components propagated by the upper boundary that reach those boundaries, are completely absorbed; free boundaries do no supply any wave energy into the domain. A more realistic approach consist of imposing over all the liquid boundaries sea-state conditions (i.e. only the shore is represented as a free absorbing boundary).
If I understood :
Free boundary = waves are not absorbed (like if it is water), and no initial(& limit) condition
Solid boundary = Sand / beach
But I dont really understand when you said "liquid boundaries", how do you set that in Tomawac? Beacause in Tomawac there are only 3 type of boundary :
Free boundary
Solid Boundary
Boundary with value impose
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