if you want to impose boundary conditions varying in time, you have to code this in the fortran file of the TOMAWAC simulation.
The simplest case is to impose non-stationary (varying with the time) and uniform (same value at each point of the boundaries) boundary conditions. In this case what you could do is to read the boundary conditions from a formatted file (e.g. a .txt file) that you create and in which, at each line, you specify the time step and the corresponding reduced input spectral parameters (significant wave height, peak period, mean propagation direction, ...).
The steps to follow are:
1- you create your formatted file with the time depending boundary conditions
2- In the steering file you specify the name of this formatted file via the keyword FORMATTED FILE 1 (see chapter 7.2.13 of the TOMAWAC guide)
3- You modify LIMWAC in order to manage the read operations of this file within the FORTRAN program: at each time step LIMWAC read the spectral parameters from the file and use them as argument variables in the call to SPEINI.
This is the approach I use generally. Of course it is not the only possible approach.
In the case you have boundary conditions that are non-stationary and non-uniform, the approach to follow could the same as above, but in this case you have to do a loop over all the points of the boundary to assign at each time step a different Hm0 at each node of the boundaries.
Hope it helps.
Kind regards,