I had a problème with the significative hight at the boundary conditions, wich had not the good values.
I read the advice of giovanni in an oformer post and it works.
giovanni.mattarolo wrote:
- concerning the Hm0 value problem, you have to check the frequency interval and the frequency resolution you define in the steering file : it can be that you obtain a Hm0 lower than the value that you impose because the lowest frequency you consider in the spectrum is not low enough compared to the frequency peak. (Rule of thumb : if you have a peak period of about 15s, take the lowest frequency equal to 0.035Hz).
But I would know how is calculate the lowest fréquency to it works.
Is it a fonction of frequencial ratio, or just pic frequency/lowest frequency=2?
Please, could you help me to understand?
Matthias B.