I have made further investigation regarding the process of energy dissipation when the wind blocks the waves.
Even if it is clearly stated in the TOMAWAC manual that the energy dissipated is not taken into account (p.13), it seems that it depends on the WIND GENERATION option:
*With WIND GENERATION equal to 1 (Janssen's model) or 2 (Snyder et al model), if the difference between wind and wave directions is greater than 90degrees, the effect of wind would not be taken into account (cosine of that angle would be negative in eqs 4.20 and 4.26).
*However, if WIND GENERATION equals 3 (Yan's model), Qin becomes negative when the wind direction is opposite to the wave direction, and Qin remains positive when they are in the same direction.
So Qin can be a source or a sink term depending on its sign when the Yan's formulation is chosen? Could you please confirm that this sink term represents the dissipation by means other than breaking? Can this formulation (WIND GENERATION=3) be applied to any wave or wind or is there a threshold of validity?
Thanks in advance if you could provide me with any clarification regarding Yan's formulation.