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TOPIC: Not sure how to run Telemac

Not sure how to run Telemac 8 years 4 months ago #24011

  • heilaw2009
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Hi, I am currently new to telemac, and I have just installed the telemac V7p0 version through the automatic installer several times and finally without any errors (I think so). But I am not sure how can I run it, seems like it is a cmd window and I may need to input so commands in order to start using Telemac. Does anyone have some guide that I may follow by. Thanks
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Not sure how to run Telemac 8 years 3 months ago #24262

  • mourad
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You need first to carry out the GEOMETRY (geo file) and BOUNDARY CONDITION (cli file). The first relies on bathemtry of the domain and the its mesh (triangular), the second contains the boundaries conditions. I do no if you can do that but you can see in the attached where I give you these files for the following (simple) case :
Rectangular channel : length = 5000m, width = 460m
constant bottom slope : 0.00052
initial conditions : I suppose a water level of 5m everywhere without any flow (Q0= 0 m3/s everywhere).
Boundary conditions :
1-Upstream : the discharge increases linearly from 0 m3/s to 2000 m3/s during 3 hours and then remains constant for 1 hour → T = 3+1 = 4 hours.
2-Downstream : the water level remains constant h(t)=5m.

Now telemac need some commands (the steering file) : it's a text file (.txt) in which you have to indicate where telemac will find GEO and CLI files, the name of the steering file, the initial and boundary conditions, the numerical parameters and ohter things like the turubulence model (3 for k-epsilon....), the friction low (ie. 3 for strickler law and you have to give the value of strickler coefficient) and others...

In the attached, you wil find :
steering file → CAS.txt
Geometry file → GEO.slf
Boundary conditions file → CLI.cli
File of the variation of water level and discharge up-and-downstream → LIQUID_5m.txt

Put these files in a folder, then right clik on the mouse whith holding the shift key down and open a cmd window

write this : telemac2d.py CAS.txt
the simulation will be done may be in 1 or 2 mn (20s on my laptop).

If you get errors → that means you did not properly installed telemac

To carry out the geo and cli files you can use BlueKenue(english) or Matisse (french).
To process the results → Blekenue or Fauda PrePro (french)

I also add the restuls in the attached (2D_RESULTS.slf)
Hope this help
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Not sure how to run Telemac 8 years 3 weeks ago #25154

  • mourad
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Not sure how to run Telemac 8 years 3 months ago #24263

  • mourad
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You need first to carry out the GEOMETRY (geo file) and BOUNDARY CONDITION (cli file). The first relies on bathemtry of the domain and the its mesh (triangular), the second contains the boundaries conditions. I do no if you can do that but you can see in the attached where I give you these files for the following (simple) case :
Rectangular channel : length = 5000m, width = 460m
constant bottom slope : 0.00052
initial conditions : I suppose a water level of 5m everywhere without any flow (Q0= 0 m3/s everywhere).
Boundary conditions :
1-Upstream : the discharge increases linearly from 0 m3/s to 2000 m3/s during 3 hours and then remains constant for 1 hour → T = 3+1 = 4 hours.
2-Downstream : the water level remains constant h(t)=5m.

Now telemac need some commands (the steering file) : it's a text file (.txt) in which you have to indicate where telemac will find GEO and CLI files, the name of the steering file, the initial and boundary conditions, the numerical parameters and ohter things like the turubulence model (3 for k-epsilon....), the friction low (ie. 3 for strickler law and you have to give the value of strickler coefficient) and others...

In the attached, you wil find :
steering file → CAS.txt
Geometry file → GEO.slf
Boundary conditions file → CLI.cli
File of the variation of water level and discharge up-and-downstream → LIQUID_5m.txt

Put these files in a folder, then right clik on the mouse whith holding the shift key down and open a cmd window

write this : telemac2d.py CAS.txt
the simulation will be done may be in 1 or 2 mn (20s on my laptop).

If you get errors → that means you did not properly installed telemac

To carry out the geo and cli files you can use BlueKenue(english) or Matisse (french).
To process the results → Blekenue or Fauda PrePro (french)

I also add the restuls to the attached (2D_RESULTS.slf)
Hope this help
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Not sure how to run Telemac 8 years 3 months ago #24264

  • mourad
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File Attachment:

File Name: CAS.txt
File Size: 4 KB

File Attachment:

File Name: CLI.cli
File Size: 45 KB

File Attachment:

File Name: GEO.slf
File Size: 277 KB

File Attachment:

File Name: LIQUID_5m.txt
File Size: 0 KB
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Not sure how to run Telemac 8 years 3 months ago #24267

  • mourad
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this is the telemad2d results
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Not sure how to run Telemac 8 years 3 months ago #24268

  • mourad
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The results file exceed the authorised size, sorry I cannot send it to you but run telemac2d and you will get the same results as mine
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