Hello Chi-Tuan,
I tried to install TELEMAC on another machine using Windows 10 and v8p3r1 I followed the instructions from the Installation on Windows
and used the systel file as follows:
# _____ _______________________________
# ____/ TELEMAC Project Definitions /______________________________/
configs: win7gfors
# win7tels win7gfors win7gforsdbg win7telsdbg
# _____ ________________________________________
# ____/ windows 7 generals /_______________________________________/
root: C:\opentelemac-mascaret\v8p3r1
version: v8p3r1
language: 2
modules: system -dredgesim
options: api static
f2py_name: f2py
f2py_opt: -O3
pyd_fcompiler: gnu95
pyd_compiler: mingw32
sfx_zip: .zip
sfx_lib: .a
sfx_mod: .mod
sfx_exe: .exe
val_root: <root>\examples
val_rank: all
cmd_obj_c: gcc -c <srcName> -o <objName>
# also possible val_rank: <3 >7 6
# _____ ____________________________________
# ____/ windows 7 intel scalar /___________________________________/
cmd_obj: ifort.exe /c /Ot /iface:cref /iface:nomixed_str_len_arg /nologo /fpp /names:uppercase /convert:big_endian <mods> <incs> <f95name>
cmd_lib: xilib.exe /nologo /out:<libname> <objs>
cmd_exe: xilink.exe /nologo /subsystem:console /stack:536870912 /out:<exename> <objs> <libs>
mods_all: /include:<config>
sfx_obj: .obj
# _____ ____________________________________
# ____/ windows 7 intel scalar debug /___________________________________/
cmd_obj: ifort.exe /c /debug:full /iface:cref /iface:nomixed_str_len_arg /nologo /fpp /names:uppercase /convert:big_endian <mods> <incs> <f95name>
cmd_lib: xilib.exe /nologo /out:<libname> <objs>
cmd_exe: xilink.exe /nologo /subsystem:console /stack:536870912 /out:<exename> <objs> <libs>
mods_all: /include:<config>
sfx_obj: .obj
# _____ _________________________________
# ____/ windows 7 gfortran scalar /________________________________/
cmd_obj: gfortran -cpp -c -O3 -fopenmp -fconvert=big-endian -frecord-marker=4 <mods> <incs> <f95name>
cmd_lib: ar cru <libname> <objs>
cmd_exe: gfortran -fopenmp -fconvert=big-endian -frecord-marker=4 -v -lm -o <exename> <objs> <libs>
mods_all: -I <config>
sfx_obj: .o
# _____ _________________________________
# ____/ windows 7 gfortran scalar debug /________________________________/
cmd_obj: gfortran -cpp -c -O3 -fopenmp -fconvert=big-endian -frecord-marker=4 <mods> <incs> <f95name>
cmd_lib: ar cru <libname> <objs>
cmd_exe: gfortran -fopenmp -fconvert=big-endian -frecord-marker=4 -v -lm -o <exename> <objs> <libs>
mods_all: -I <config>
sfx_obj: .o
TELEMAC compiled as shown in the attached figure but the same problem with the dynamic library still exists when trying to run the API telemac2d example.
I checked the TelAPY manual, it mentioned
the TELEMAC-MASCARET SYSTEM and all its external libraries must be compiled in dynamic form.
How I can compile in dynamic form in windows?
I found these lines
brief: GFortran compiler with Open MPI in dynamic mode
options: api
sfx_lib: .so
mpi_cmdexec: mpirun -machinefile MPI_HOSTFILE -np <ncsize> <exename>
cmd_obj: mpif90 -c -cpp -fPIC -O2 -fconvert=big-endian -frecord-marker=4 -DHAVE_MPI -DHAVE_MUMPS -DHAVE_MED -DHAVE_VTK <mods> <incs> <f95name>
cmd_lib: mpif90 -fPIC -shared -fconvert=big-endian -frecord-marker=4 -lpthread -lm -o <libname> <objs>
cmd_exe: mpif90 -fPIC -fconvert=big-endian -frecord-marker=4 -lpthread -lm -o <exename> <objs> <libs>
libs_all: -L$MUMPSHOME/lib -ldmumps -lmumps_common -lpord
-L$SCALAPACKHOME/lib -lscalapack
-lm -L$MEDHOME/lib -lmed -L$HDF5HOME/lib -lhdf5 -ldl -lstdc++ -lz
-L$METISHOME/lib -lmetis
cmd_obj_c: gcc -c -fPIC <srcName> -o <objName>
in the Installation on Linux, I added them to my configuration file, but nothing changed.
I'm really not familiar with these things.
I need your kind advice. Thank you for your understanding.
Best regards,