Laurie wrote:
You shouldn't install TELAMC in program file. If you use the automatic installer, you have to change the folder proposed for thy installation.
Try to fix this point
This is something that I wish would be fixed in future versions... either allow whitespace in paths, or change the default path to C:\opentelemac instead of C:\Program Files. Or even add a warning in this part of the installer that whitespace is not allowed.
I sense that the forum moderation is tired of this question being asked, but instead of blaming the users for not knowing this bug that is due to outdated behaviour (modern apps should be able to handle whitespace gracefully), it would be more useful for all involved to patch this... that said, I don't know how difficult it is to implement, I've never worked with programming or installing TELEMAC on Windows, so who am I to judge
André Renault