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TOPIC: Clean compilation in V8P4 with automatic installer ?

Clean compilation in V8P4 with automatic installer ? 1 year 2 months ago #43827

  • colinemathias
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Hi all,

I'm trying to work with 200 sources in telemac2d (v8p4). To do this, I followed advice in topics www.opentelemac.co.uk/index.php/assistan...er-of-sources-in-t3d and www.opentelemac.org/index.php/assistance...s-maxkeyword-of-3000.
In particular, I tried to modify MAXKEYWORD=3000 in declarations_special.F, but many posts suggest that this manipulation must be followed of a clean compilation (and indeed when I try without it my problem is not solved).

When I try to compile (compile_telemac.py --clean), I get, at the very end of compilation process :
    - completed: ...\V8P4\builds\gnu.static\lib\libparallel4artemis.a
    - completed: ...\V8P4\builds\gnu.static\lib\libbief4artemis.a
    - completed: ...\V8P4\builds\gnu.static\lib\libartemis.a
    - created ...\V8P4\builds\gnu.static\bin\artemis.exe

Compiling from the tree top damocles plus dependents

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\CCMA\AppData\Local\Programs\TELEMAC\V8P4\scripts\python3\compile_telemac.py", line 142, in <module>
  File "C:\Users\CCMA\AppData\Local\Programs\TELEMAC\V8P4\scripts\python3\compile_telemac.py", line 129, in main
    compile_cmdf(options.ncsize, modules, options.verbose)
  File "C:\Users\CCMA\AppData\Local\Programs\TELEMAC\V8P4\scripts\python3\compilation\compil_tools.py", line 1208, in compile_cmdf
    raise TelemacException(\
utils.exceptions.TelemacException: +> Could not find the following file for compilation: utils_latex.f
            ... so it may have to be removed from the following cmdf file

(telemac) C:\Users\CCMA\Documents\TELEMAC>

I installed TELEMAC with Window automatic installer (and everything works fine apart from the sources problem).
This post : www.opentelemac.org/index.php/community-...d?limitstart=0#42772 says that you should not compile telemac which had been installed with automatic installer...

Then, how can I clean compile telemac v8p4 on Windows ?

Thank you very much,


Note : For my specific problem, I also tried copying and locally modifying the fortran file declarations_special.F in my simulation folder and using the keyword FORTRAN FILE, but it did not solve the problem (same error
), this is why I thought that clean compiling telemac was what was missing.
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Clean compilation in V8P4 with automatic installer ? 1 year 2 months ago #43828

  • colinemathias
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Edit : When I clean compile before modifying declarations_special.F, I get the error above, but when I clean compile after the modification (INTEGER, PARAMETER :: MAXKEYWORD = 3000), the error changes

      |                            1
Error: Actual argument contains too few elements for dummy argument 'motcar' (75000/750000) at (1)

      |                                   1
Error: Actual argument contains too few elements for dummy argument 'file_desc' (300000/3000000) at (1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\CCMA\AppData\Local\Programs\TELEMAC\V8P4\scripts\python3\compile_telemac.py", line 142, in <module>
  File "C:\Users\CCMA\AppData\Local\Programs\TELEMAC\V8P4\scripts\python3\compile_telemac.py", line 129, in main
    compile_cmdf(options.ncsize, modules, options.verbose)
  File "C:\Users\CCMA\AppData\Local\Programs\TELEMAC\V8P4\scripts\python3\compilation\compil_tools.py", line 1252, in compile_cmdf
    raise TelemacException(\
        +> failed: ...\V8P4\sources\api\api_run_sis.f
... The following command failed for the reason in the listing
mpif90 -c -O2 -cpp -fconvert=big-endian -frecord-marker=4 -DHAVE_I16 -DHAVE_MPI -DHAVE_MUMPS -DHAVE_MED -DHAVE_AED2 -DHAVE_GOTM  -I C:\Users\CCMA\AppData\Local\Programs\TELEMAC\V8P4\builds\gnu.static\obj\utils\special  -I C:\Users\CCMA\AppData\Local\Programs\TELEMAC\V8P4\builds\gnu.static\obj\utils\damocles  -I C:\Users\CCMA\AppData\Local\Programs\TELEMAC\V8P4\builds\gnu.static\obj\utils\parallel  -I C:\Users\CCMA\AppData\Local\Programs\TELEMAC\V8P4\builds\gnu.static\obj\utils\hermes  -I C:\Users\CCMA\AppData\Local\Programs\TELEMAC\V8P4\builds\gnu.static\obj\utils\bief  -I C:\Users\CCMA\AppData\Local\Programs\TELEMAC\V8P4\builds\gnu.static\obj\nestor  -I C:\Users\CCMA\AppData\Local\Programs\TELEMAC\V8P4\builds\gnu.static\obj\utils\ad  -I C:\Users\CCMA\AppData\Local\Programs\TELEMAC\V8P4\builds\gnu.static\obj\tomawac  -I C:\Users\CCMA\AppData\Local\Programs\TELEMAC\V8P4\builds\gnu.static\obj\sisyphe  -I C:\Users\CCMA\AppData\Local\Programs\TELEMAC\V8P4\builds\gnu.static\obj\waqtel  -I C:\Users\CCMA\AppData\Local\Programs\TELEMAC\V8P4\builds\gnu.static\obj\khione  -I C:\Users\CCMA\AppData\Local\Programs\TELEMAC\V8P4\builds\gnu.static\obj\gaia  -I C:\Users\CCMA\AppData\Local\Programs\TELEMAC\V8P4\builds\gnu.static\obj\telemac2d  -I C:\Users\CCMA\AppData\Local\Programs\TELEMAC\V8P4\builds\gnu.static\obj\utils\gretel  -I C:\Users\CCMA\AppData\Local\Programs\TELEMAC\V8P4\builds\gnu.static\obj\utils\partel  -I C:\Users\CCMA\AppData\Local\Programs\TELEMAC\V8P4\builds\gnu.static\obj\telemac3d  -I C:\Users\CCMA\AppData\Local\Programs\TELEMAC\V8P4\builds\gnu.static\obj\artemis  -I C:\Users\CCMA\AppData\Local\Programs\TELEMAC\V8P4\builds\gnu.static\obj\api   -I%MEDHOME%/include -I%MUMPSHOME%/include -I%AEDHOME%/include -I%GOTMHOME%/include C:\Users\CCMA\AppData\Local\Programs\TELEMAC\V8P4\sources\api\api_run_sis.f
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Clean compilation in V8P4 with automatic installer ? 1 year 2 months ago #43857

  • borisb
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Hi Coline,

The installer provides pre-built binaries and is not intended for developers who want to tweak the code, except through User Fortran subroutines.

If you want to make other changes, you need to setup a TELEMAC development environment, preferably by following the procedure described here: gitlab.pam-retd.fr/otm/wintel

Don't hesitate to get back to me if you have any problems.
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Clean compilation in V8P4 with automatic installer ? 1 year 2 months ago #43859

  • colinemathias
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Hi Boris,

Thank you for your answer. I tried to install TELEMAC this way, and everything works fine during the build procedure as described on wintel github (I get "my work is done" at the end).

However, it seems that I have several problems. First, telemac cannot find python (nor telemac python scripts), but this can be solved unpractically but easily by specifying the full python path each time. As you can see below, I made sure folder to python scripts C:\TELEMAC\external\python\Scripts is in my PATH variable, as well as path to telemac scripts, cmake, mingw64 bin folder.

When I then try to compile telemac, I get the error below... "mpif90 command can't be found". It also seems to happen when compiling declarations_special.F, the file I'm trying to modify here, even when I restor the original value in MAXKEYWORDS variable.

PATH=C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Oracle\Java\javapath;C:\Program Files (x86)\IntelSWTools\compilers_and_libraries_2020.0.166\windows\mpi\intel64\bin;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\WINDOWS\System32\OpenSSH\;C:\Program Files (x86)\wapt;C:\Users\CCMA\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Launcher\;C:\Users\CCMA\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps;C:\Users\CCMA\AppData\Local\Programs\Git\cmd;C:\Users\CCMA\cmake-3.28.1-windows-x86_64\bin;C:\TELEMAC\scripts\python3\;C:\TELEMAC\external\python\Scripts\;C:\mingw64\bin;

C:\TELEMAC\scripts\python3>C:\TELEMAC\external\python\Scripts\python compile_telemac.py --clean

Loading Options and Configurations

  _ __ ___    __ _  _  _ __
 | '_ ` _ \  / _` || || '_ \
 | | | | | || (_| || || | | |
 |_| |_| |_| \__,_||_||_| |_|

    +> build deleted!

                               _           _    _
                              | |         | |  (_)
   __ _  _ __   _   _     ___ | |_   __ _ | |_  _   ___
  / _` || '_ \ | | | |   / __|| __| / _` || __|| | / __|
 | (_| || | | || |_| | _ \__ \| |_ | (_| || |_ | || (__
  \__, ||_| |_| \__,_|(_)|___/ \__| \__,_| \__||_| \___|
   __/ |

Scanning the source code for:



    +> Windows static build using Mingw and MS-MPI

    +> root:    C:\TELEMAC
    +> module: ad / api / artemis / bief
               damocles  / gaia  / gretel  / hermes
               identify_liq_bnd  / khione  / mascaret  / nestor
               parallel  / partel  / postel3d  / special
               stbtel  / telemac2d  / telemac3d  / tomawac

Compiling from the tree top api plus dependents

        +> Compile / Assemble / Link
'mpif90' n’est pas reconnu en tant que commande interne          ]   0%  | ---s
ou externe, un programme exécutable ou un fichier de commandes.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\TELEMAC\scripts\python3\compile_telemac.py", line 152, in <module>
  File "C:\TELEMAC\scripts\python3\compile_telemac.py", line 139, in main
    compile_cmdf(options.ncsize, modules, options.verbose)
  File "C:\TELEMAC\scripts\python3\compilation\compil_tools.py", line 1283, in compile_cmdf
    raise TelemacException(\
        +> failed: ...TELEMAC\sources\utils\special\declarations_special.F
... The following command failed for the reason in the listing
mpif90 -c -O2 -cpp -fconvert=big-endian -frecord-marker=4 -DHAVE_I16 -DHAVE_MPI -DHAVE_MUMPS -DHAVE_MED -DHAVE_AED2 -DHAVE_GOTM  -I C:\TELEMAC\builds\gnu.static\obj\utils\special  -I C:\TELEMAC\builds\gnu.static\obj\utils\damocles  -I C:\TELEMAC\builds\gnu.static\obj\utils\parallel  -I C:\TELEMAC\builds\gnu.static\obj\utils\hermes  -I C:\TELEMAC\builds\gnu.static\obj\utils\ad  -I C:\TELEMAC\builds\gnu.static\obj\utils\bief  -I C:\TELEMAC\builds\gnu.static\obj\tomawac  -I C:\TELEMAC\builds\gnu.static\obj\nestor  -I C:\TELEMAC\builds\gnu.static\obj\waqtel  -I C:\TELEMAC\builds\gnu.static\obj\khione  -I C:\TELEMAC\builds\gnu.static\obj\gaia  -I C:\TELEMAC\builds\gnu.static\obj\telemac2d  -I C:\TELEMAC\builds\gnu.static\obj\utils\gretel  -I C:\TELEMAC\builds\gnu.static\obj\utils\partel  -I C:\TELEMAC\builds\gnu.static\obj\telemac3d  -I C:\TELEMAC\builds\gnu.static\obj\artemis  -I C:\TELEMAC\builds\gnu.static\obj\api   -I%MEDHOME%/include -I%MUMPSHOME%/include -I%AEDHOME%/include -I%GOTMHOME%/include C:\TELEMAC\sources\utils\special\declarations_special.F


Do you know what could cause this error ?

Thank you very much
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Clean compilation in V8P4 with automatic installer ? 1 year 2 months ago #43860

  • borisb
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It seems that your PATH and other environment variables are not properly set. You need to launch C:\TELEMAC\configs\pysource.gnu.bat each time you need to use TELEMAC, even for compiling, have you done this?
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Clean compilation in V8P4 with automatic installer ? 6 months 4 weeks ago #45305

  • Arthur
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Hello, I have the same problem in wintel version's compilation (V8P4),
I am ok with using this version to run the examples, but when I change the file "declaration_special.F" in "MAXKEYWORD" from 300 to 3000, I got the errors down below,
Do anyone have clues to fix this error?
I also screenshot my "declaration_special.F" file, too.
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