Hi Alexis,
thanks for your reply.
I am afraid I misused the word compilation, as I simply took it from my error prompt. Maybe I have also put this topic into the wrong section of the forum (I assumed something went wrong with the Windows installation, but maybe it is a problem solely fixed on the api).
The pluie example requires some user fortran routines. When I run the example via the Telemac command window from the automatic installer, everything works fine. However, when I try to run the pluie example with using the python api for Telemac (as with the adapted example notebook), I get the error from the original post, that it couldn't compile my fortran. I am confused why telemac can apparently compile my fortran from the command window, but not from the api...
In the mean time, I am trying to install Telemac from the Wintel tutorial, but this has failed for me already a couple of times last year and I also encounter issues now (it does not find my python 3.10...)
Kind regards