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TOPIC: TELEMAC-2D Installation Win7-64bits with gfortran and python27

TELEMAC-2D Installation Win7-64bits with gfortran and python27 12 years 4 months ago #6058

  • Nardini26
  • Nardini26's Avatar
hello everybody,

i'm starting on telemac-2d and i try to install it in scalar mode with the gfortran compiler and the python scripting language. I have installed both, adding path to the environment variables but i haven't found any clue concerning the "systel.cfg" configuration on the forum. I got the following errors while trying to compile:
Building the who calls who tree for HOMERE_TELEMAC2D and dependents

gfortran.exe /c /Ot /iface:cref /iface:nomixed_str_len_arg /nologo /names:upperc
ase /convert:big_endian /extend_source:132 /include:C:\TELEMAC\V6P1\telemac2d\te
l2d_v6p1\wintel64s /include:C:\TELEMAC\V6P1\sisyphe\sisyphe_v6p1\wintel64s /incl
ude:C:\TELEMAC\V6P1\tomawac\toma_v6p1\wintel64s /include:C:\TELEMAC\V6P1\bief\bi
ef_v6p1\wintel64s /include:C:\TELEMAC\V6P1\damocles\damo_v6p1\wintel64s /include
:C:\TELEMAC\V6P1\mumpsvoid\mumpsvoid_v6p1\wintel64s /include:C:\TELEMAC\V6P1\par
avoid\paravoid_v6p1\wintel64s /include:C:\TELEMAC\V6P1\special\special_v6p1\wint
el64s   bief_def.f
gfortran.exe: erreur: /c: No such file or directory
gfortran.exe: erreur: /Ot: No such file or directory
gfortran.exe: erreur: /iface:cref: No such file or directory
gfortran.exe: erreur: /iface:nomixed_str_len_arg: No such file or directory
gfortran.exe: erreur: /nologo: No such file or directory
gfortran.exe: erreur: /names:uppercase: No such file or directory
gfortran.exe: erreur: /convert:big_endian: No such file or directory
gfortran.exe: erreur: /extend_source:132: No such file or directory
gfortran.exe: erreur: /include:C:\TELEMAC\V6P1\telemac2d\tel2d_v6p1\wintel64s: I
nvalid argument
gfortran.exe: erreur: /include:C:\TELEMAC\V6P1\sisyphe\sisyphe_v6p1\wintel64s: I
nvalid argument
gfortran.exe: erreur: /include:C:\TELEMAC\V6P1\tomawac\toma_v6p1\wintel64s: Inva
lid argument
gfortran.exe: erreur: /include:C:\TELEMAC\V6P1\bief\bief_v6p1\wintel64s: Invalid
gfortran.exe: erreur: /include:C:\TELEMAC\V6P1\damocles\damo_v6p1\wintel64s: Inv
alid argument
gfortran.exe: erreur: /include:C:\TELEMAC\V6P1\mumpsvoid\mumpsvoid_v6p1\wintel64
s: Invalid argument
gfortran.exe: erreur: /include:C:\TELEMAC\V6P1\paravoid\paravoid_v6p1\wintel64s:
 Invalid argument
gfortran.exe: erreur: /include:C:\TELEMAC\V6P1\special\special_v6p1\wintel64s: I
nvalid argument

I'd like to know and understand what should be written in the cmd_obj, cmd_lib and cmd_exe to make it works.

Here is my systel.cfg configuration:
configs:    wintel64s 
# _____                       ______________________________________
# ____/ windows intel scalar /_____________________________________/
root:       C:\TELEMAC\V6P1
version:    v6p1
language:   2
modules:    update system
cmd_obj:    gfortran.exe /c /Ot /iface:cref /iface:nomixed_str_len_arg /nologo /names:uppercase /convert:big_endian /extend_source:132 <mods> <incs> <f95name>
cmd_lib:    ar cru /nologo /out: <libname> <objs>
cmd_exe:    gfortran /nologo /subsystem:console /stack:536870912 /out:<exename> <objs> <libs>
mods_all:   /include:<config>
val_dir:    validation
sfx_zip:    .zip
sfx_lib:    .lib
sfx_obj:    .obj
sfx_mod:    .mod
sfx_exe:    .exe

Thank you for your help,
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TELEMAC-2D Installation Win7-64bits with gfortran and python27 12 years 4 months ago #6059

  • sebourban
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For gfortran use -c -O3 etc ... instead of /c /Ot etc ...
(once you have made those changes to your system, clean it with compileTELEMAC.py -m "clean system"

Hope this helps.
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TELEMAC-2D Installation Win7-64bits with gfortran and python27 12 years 4 months ago #6061

  • Nardini26
  • Nardini26's Avatar

I changed like you mentionned the "-" and the modules: clean system in the systel.cfg file. I got now an invalid argument:
Building the who calls who tree for HOMERE_TELEMAC2D and dependents

gfortran.exe -c -Ot -iface:cref -iface:nomixed_str_len_arg -nologo -names:upperc
ase -convert:big_endian -extend_source:132 /include:C:\TELEMAC\V6P1\telemac2d\te
l2d_v6p1\wintel64s /include:C:\TELEMAC\V6P1\sisyphe\sisyphe_v6p1\wintel64s /incl
ude:C:\TELEMAC\V6P1\tomawac\toma_v6p1\wintel64s /include:C:\TELEMAC\V6P1\bief\bi
ef_v6p1\wintel64s /include:C:\TELEMAC\V6P1\damocles\damo_v6p1\wintel64s /include
:C:\TELEMAC\V6P1\mumpsvoid\mumpsvoid_v6p1\wintel64s /include:C:\TELEMAC\V6P1\par
avoid\paravoid_v6p1\wintel64s /include:C:\TELEMAC\V6P1\special\special_v6p1\wint
el64s   bief_def.f
gfortran.exe: erreur: /include:C:\TELEMAC\V6P1\telemac2d\tel2d_v6p1\wintel64s: I
nvalid argument
gfortran.exe: erreur: /include:C:\TELEMAC\V6P1\sisyphe\sisyphe_v6p1\wintel64s: I
nvalid argument
gfortran.exe: erreur: /include:C:\TELEMAC\V6P1\tomawac\toma_v6p1\wintel64s: Inva
lid argument
gfortran.exe: erreur: /include:C:\TELEMAC\V6P1\bief\bief_v6p1\wintel64s: Invalid
gfortran.exe: erreur: /include:C:\TELEMAC\V6P1\damocles\damo_v6p1\wintel64s: Inv
alid argument
gfortran.exe: erreur: /include:C:\TELEMAC\V6P1\mumpsvoid\mumpsvoid_v6p1\wintel64
s: Invalid argument
gfortran.exe: erreur: /include:C:\TELEMAC\V6P1\paravoid\paravoid_v6p1\wintel64s:
 Invalid argument
gfortran.exe: erreur: /include:C:\TELEMAC\V6P1\special\special_v6p1\wintel64s: I
nvalid argument
gfortran.exe: erreur: unrecognized option '-nologo'
gfortran.exe: erreur: unrecognized option '-names:uppercase'
gfortran.exe: erreur: unrecognized option '-convert:big_endian'

Thanks in advance,
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TELEMAC-2D Installation Win7-64bits with gfortran and python27 12 years 4 months ago #6065

  • sebourban
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sorry, is it really v6p1 yo uwish to install ?

I strongly recommend v6p2, hence you need to change the root and version keys.
The python scripts in v6p1 are far less advanced than in v6p2

Please let us know.

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TELEMAC-2D Installation Win7-64bits with gfortran and python27 12 years 4 months ago #6066

  • sebourban
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also with gfortran, you have to use mods_all: -I <config> not éinclude ...

here is a configuration you could use:
root:       C:\TELEMAC\V6P2
version:    v6p2
language:   2
modules:    update system
cmd_obj:    gfortran -c -O3 -ffixed-line-length-132 -fconvert=big-endian -frecord-marker=4 <mods> <incs> <f95name>
cmd_lib:    ar cru <libname> <objs>
cmd_exe:    gfortran -fconvert=big-endian -frecord-marker=4 -v -o <exename> <objs> -Xlinker --start-group <libs> --end-group
mods_all:   -I <config>
sfx_zip:    .zip
sfx_lib:    .lib
sfx_obj:    .o
sfx_mod:    .mod

Hope this helps.
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TELEMAC-2D Installation Win7-64bits with gfortran and python27 12 years 4 months ago #6068

  • Nardini26
  • Nardini26's Avatar
Ok i'm gonna switch to version 6.2 and use the SVN repository then.

I'll let you know, thanks a lot.
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TELEMAC-2D Installation Win7-64bits with gfortran and python27 12 years 4 months ago #6083

  • Nardini26
  • Nardini26's Avatar

i confirm you that the compilation went well, only one error occured but fixed by removing "--end-group" in the systel.cfg file. I run a case and it works fine so thanks a lot Sebourban!

Concerning the post traitment with fudaa, i'm facing a new issue while executing the cas file. The supervisor is looking for 'perl' that i don't have, so i can run the model by typing in the cmd "telemac2d.py *.cas".
Is there a way to configure this automatically?

And one last, i cannot get access to the preferences to configure matisse and rubens, an error appears all the time. Do their paths must be defined too? Hope you can help me with that.

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