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TOPIC: Problem running Telemac2D with pyton on Windows 7 (64bits)

Problem running Telemac2D with pyton on Windows 7 (64bits) 12 years 3 months ago #6307

  • bouanan.aissa
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I can't understand why it doesn't want to attach the file. I doing 'insert' and I can see it in my message. Any help?

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Problem running Telemac2D with pyton on Windows 7 (64bits) 12 years 3 months ago #6308

  • bouanan.aissa
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Copy/paste :evil:


# ____/ windows intel parallel /___________________________________/
root: C:\TELEMAC\v6p2r1
version: v6p2
language: 2
modules: update system
options: parallel mpi
par_cmdexec: <config>\partel.exe < PARTEL.PAR >> <partel.log>
mpi_cmdexec: C:\TELEMAC\v6p2r1\MPICH2\bin\mpiexec.exe -wdir <wdir> -n <ncsize> <exename>
cmd_obj: ifort.exe /c /Og /QxHost /iface:cref /iface:nomixed_str_len_arg /nologo /names:uppercase /convert:big_endian /extend_source:132 <mods> <incs> <f95name>
cmd_lib: xilib.exe /nologo /out:<libname> <objs>
cmd_exe: xilink.exe /nologo /subsystem:console /stack:536870912 /nodefaultlib:libc.lib /out:<exename> <objs> <libs>
mods_all: /include:<config>
incs_parallel: /include:C:\TELEMAC\v6p2r1\MPICH2\include
libs_parallel: C:\TELEMAC\v6p2r1\lib\libmetis64b.lib
libs_all : C:\TELEMAC\v6p2r1\MPICH2\lib\fmpich2.lib
sfx_zip: .zip
sfx_lib: .lib
sfx_obj: .obj
sfx_mod: .mod
sfx_exe: .exe
# also possible val_root: <root>/../validation
val_root: <modpath>/validation
val_rank: all
# also possible val_rank: <3 >7 6
# _____

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Problem running Telemac2D with pyton on Windows 7 (64bits) 12 years 3 months ago #6309

  • mathieu5roy
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Hi Aissa,

You need to change extension of .cfg to .txt or else the forum won't accept it.
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Problem running Telemac2D with pyton on Windows 7 (64bits) 12 years 3 months ago #6448

  • bouanan.aissa
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Sorry, i wasn't aware :whistle:

File Attachment:

File Name: systel.txt
File Size: 3 KB
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Problem running Telemac2D with pyton on Windows 7 (64bits) 12 years 3 months ago #6450

  • pham
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Hello Aissa,

Please read the following post:

A. clearly explains some helpful instructions.


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Problem running Telemac2D with pyton on Windows 7 (64bits) 12 years 3 months ago #6451

  • bouanan.aissa
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Thank you Chi-Tuan :)
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Problem running Telemac2D with pyton on Windows 7 (64bits) 12 years 3 months ago #6463

  • gtchamen@hotmail.com
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I found solution to my problem.
I have to thanks all you who took time to suggest some actions to help me. Thanks to Christophe, Sebastien, Mathieu and Aissa.
The example of systel.cfg sent by Aissa help to convince me that my original config file was OK (Mathieu also provided me systel.ini. But Aissa file was more revealing because I had the same platform Window 7 + Intel Fortran than Aissa).
Finally having eliminate the config file from the suspects, I went bak to the suggestion made twice to me by Crhristophe: test the fonctionnality of MPI (MPICH2) utility. I found that the MPI utility functiond (SMPD, MPIEXEC) was not working properly. After googling on MPI forum, I operated the following steps that help me solve the problem:
Uninstall MPICH2
Reinstall MPICH2 for everyone after loging as administrator (or running a console windows a adminitrator).
Register (wmpiregister, wmpiconfig) your account (name and password)
Test SMPD by using 'smpd -status' command. The correct answer should be 'SMPD running on 'name of your computer''. At this point, I did not get the right answer. I got the answer 'SMPD not running on ..' enven though I had 'smpd' processus running listed on my 'processus' in the task manager.
The following two commands help me solve this:
smpd -uninstall
smpd -install
After that, the command smpd -status gave me the right answer (smpd running ....).
After that, the sedond important test is to test MPIEXEC which is actually the utility that lauch the computation in parallel mode.
To test it, you can use the cpi example locate in subdirectory MPICH2/Examples.
mpiexec -n 2 cpi
For the firts time, it may ask you to enter your credential (account) even thoughyou did register before. The important stsep here is to remember to only type 'enter' when asking the username, and write the user password after that.
That how I was able to do it. Hope It can help someone else facing the same problem. I actually do not undertsand why I faed this problem on this machine (windows 7). Beacause I did exactly the same installation on a Windows XP machine and avery thing work fine without doing all this registration steps for MPI (MPICH2).

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