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TOPIC: Problem running Telemac2D with pyton on Windows 7 (64bits)

Problem running Telemac2D with pyton on Windows 7 (64bits) 12 years 4 months ago #6242

  • gtchamen@hotmail.com
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I am veteran Telemac user on Windows with Perl.
But for the first time, I try downloading version V6P2 and copiling it with pyton and Intel Fortran (composer v13).
The compilation was successful after I did it in the comand prompt window of the fortan compiler (I had linking problem if try the same compilation in a default command prompt window).

Now, my problem is when I try to run any case. I have attached the validation case of 'Pile de pont' (no Fortran file, 0 parallel processor).I have launched runcode.py telemac2d -s casefile. As you can see, in the attached file (fichier de sortie d'execution), there is no indication of error, the running of the case is announced, but nothing happened. I have tried the same thing using telemac2d.cmd, I recuperated frm v6p1 installation, and got the same result.

(PS. I have verify, I can run the same case successfully with Perl. But I have other problem (linking problem) if I switch to a case with fortran code). But, by the way, my decision is to switch to python as recommanded and hope to run every thing on this platforme.

I am waiting for your help.

Best regards.


File Attachment:

File Name: Sortie_11NOV2012.txt
File Size: 6 KB
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Problem running Telemac2D with pyton on Windows 7 (64bits) 12 years 3 months ago #6243

  • mathieu5roy
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I haven't fully checked your attached file for now.

However, here some quick things to verify :

First thing to check when switching from Perl to Python is your environement variable $SYSTEL.

With Python, it should point to the .cfg itself, not only the path.

Example : C:\opentelemac\V6P1\config\systel.cis-windows2.cfg

Other thing to check, if you are running on single PC (not cluster) you should remove <host> part in your .cfg under the lines related to mpi. I was getting similar error code because of that lately.

Hope it helps

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Problem running Telemac2D with pyton on Windows 7 (64bits) 12 years 3 months ago #6247

  • c.coulet
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Hi Georges

Some idea for you to explore the new world of Telemac with Python:

Take care to choose the right command windows from the compiler (in the attach file I seen you're running the 32 bits version)
In general, you shouls always use the Intel fortran command windows to run the simulation that requires compilation step.

If you don't envisage to use //, create a specific configuration in the cfg file without the mpi reference. In your case, event if you are running a scalar computation, the launch step shows an MPIEXEC call...

If you use //, please be sure to well install MPI.

Finally, in your case, I suppose MPI is well installed but MPI is waiting for a domain/login account and the password.
You could check this step by trying to run the command manually in the temp directory.
Try to enter mpiexec -n 1 out_telemacv6p2.exe and you will probably see a request for account and password...

Hope this will help you.

Best regards
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Problem running Telemac2D with pyton on Windows 7 (64bits) 12 years 3 months ago #6287

  • gtchamen@hotmail.com
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File Attachment:

File Name: systel_cfg.txt
File Size: 1 KB

Hello Mathieu & Christophe,

Thanks for your suggestions.

My goal it to intall Telemac on Desktop equiped with Intel Fortran (Version 13)and two processors and run it in parallel mode. I have downloaned the V6P2 code fron the repository SVN and compiled it suggessfully by following the instructions given on the current website for installing with pyton.
I have installed MPICH2 and tested that it is well installed, as well as python and Metis library.
I have configured the systel.cfg file attached to the pressent mail. I think my problem are tied to this configuration. Probably the lines devoted to parallel computations.

May be you can help with this. I lookup inside all systel file than come with the download and have trie to reproduce as closely as thought the configuration of windows + intel Fortran. By the way, the machinefile (naming host and the number of processors) has the mpi_telemac.conf by default ? or correct me.

Waiting for your help.

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Problem running Telemac2D with pyton on Windows 7 (64bits) 12 years 3 months ago #6291

  • mathieu5roy
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Hi Georges

I'm attaching my own systel.cfg that is working fine in // on single pc. Unfortunately, i'm working in ubuntu.

However, you can use this to compare your with your own. Look for 2nd config : ubugfopenmpi.

I'm not very familiar with installation in // on windows + intel.

While waiting for a better answer from Cristhophe, maybe you can try the following :

The main differences I see are :

1. mpi_cmdexec: /usr/bin/mpiexec -wdir <wdir> -n <ncsize> <exename>

2. I do not have a mpi_hosts command like yours

3. Do not forget to uncomment root part

That's the best i can tell for now

Good luck

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Problem running Telemac2D with pyton on Windows 7 (64bits) 12 years 3 months ago #6292

  • pilou1253
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Hi all!

I would just ad that it seems that the line with the configuration name has been removed from the systel.cfg file, for example:

Good luck,
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Problem running Telemac2D with pyton on Windows 7 (64bits) 12 years 3 months ago #6301

  • bouanan.aissa
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Try to use my system.cfg file. I'm on Win7 x64 with Intel compiler and //.

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Problem running Telemac2D with pyton on Windows 7 (64bits) 12 years 3 months ago #6302

  • bouanan.aissa
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Oups I forgot to attach the systel.cfg file :blush:

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Problem running Telemac2D with pyton on Windows 7 (64bits) 12 years 3 months ago #6305

  • gtchamen@hotmail.com
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Thanks all for your help,

But I did not succceed to solve my problem. Yesterday, I upload a systel.cfg file that had error yesterday because I was away from the computer I try install on (home). I try reconstitute the file from memory. That explain these mistake on commented lines and 'localonly'.

Here, I have attached two systel files (one for parallel, one for scalar) together with the output from console windows of execution.

Thanks to Mathieu for its systel file.

Aissa please, I need your systel file because you use the same package I use (windows + Intel Fortran). During the 'attached' operation, you need to do 'insert' after you added the file.

Best regards,

Georges W.T.

File Attachment:

File Name: systel_scal_cfg.txt
File Size: 1 KB

File Attachment:

File Name: systel_par_cfg.txt
File Size: 1 KB

File Attachment:

File Name: Sortie_Execution_systel_scal.txt
File Size: 5 KB

File Attachment:

File Name: Sortie_Execution_systel_par.txt
File Size: 6 KB
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Problem running Telemac2D with pyton on Windows 7 (64bits) 12 years 3 months ago #6306

  • bouanan.aissa
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Third try :blush:
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