I have 2 questions about tracer diffusion in Telemac3D (v6p3 and v7p2):
1/ All TELEMAC-3D user manuals (up to v7p2) say that for keyword "SCHEME FOR DIFFUSION OF TRACERS"("SCHEMA POUR LA DIFFUSION DES TRACEURS") one value per tracer may be entered. However, according to the file 'declarations_telemac3d.f', SCHDTA is a single integer (while, in comparison, SCHCTA for advection is an integer array with size MAXTRA). Could you confirm that this is correct and, if so, update the user manual accordingly?
2/ I am considering several tracers, all of them with source terms hard-coded in 'source_trac.f'. Apparently, diffusion and source terms are being treated together in 'cvdf3d.f' and 'diff3d.f'. So, if diffusion is switched off (for all of some tracers), the source terms may not be taken into account, which is not what I want.
I have tried to set to zero the variable VISCTA%ADR(...) just before the advection-diffusion step (CVDF3D call) in 'telemac3d.f', but I am unsure this is totally harmless for the computation...
What would you recommend in order to switch on/off the tracers independently but keeping explicit/implicit source terms activated?
Thank you very much for your help.