Hello Marco,
You are right, the ASCII ATMOSPHERIC DATA FILE is currently different if using heat exchange modules in 2D or 3D, and FYI, we are thinking to harmonize this for next release (v8p2).
Anyway, the WAQTEL user documentation is available:
- in $HOMETEL/documentation/waqtel/user with the 1 pdf file (if you use the tagged release v8p1r1, otherwise compile the documentation),
- or on wiki.opentelemac.org/doku.php?id=documentation_v8p1r1
You have the order of variables expected if using THERMIC module in 2D in table 3.1 (air temperature, saturated steam pressure, wind speed, direction of wind, cloudiness, solar radiation, atmospheric pressure, rain and the expected units the line below).
In 3D, you can get it just before section 5.1: wind magnitude, wind direction, air temperature, atmospheric pressure, relative humidity, cloudiness, rainfall, optional evaporation (but has to be filled in even dummy).
These 2 formats are currently mandatory when using heat exchange module in 2D or 3D, but as described at the end of chapter 3, you can change the format, but you will have to implement the reading of your file in the METEO subroutine,
Hope this helps,