Hello Sidharth,
So, you have given salinity and temperature as input data with the liquid boundaries file.
What do you mean by results not fine. Can you upload figures for results + what you expect please?
Looking at your steering file, I have a few comments:
- you should increase NUMBER OF HORIZONTAL LEVELS. With 2, you only have 2 planes corresponding to the bottom and the free surface. You will not get any stratification e.g. (in that case, using another MESH TRANSFORMATION can help if you try to model such phenomenon),
- you should use the default choice NON-HYDROSTATIC VERSION = YES when dealing with active tracers/scalars like salinity and/or temperature (see e.g. the TELEMAC-3D validation manual for the lock exchange example),
- you should read the recommendations of the TELEMAC-3D user manual (appendix E),
- before coupling with sediment module, you should solve your issue, step by step,
- I would advise you to try k-epsilon model for both horizontal directions (choice 3) or mixing length turbulence model over the vertical (VERTICAL TURBULENCE MODEL = 2) rather than Smagorinski over the vertical (VERTICAL TURBULENCE MODEL = 4),
- you may have to refine your mesh if it is too coarse.
Hope this helps,