Hi Chi-Tuan,
Thank you for your answer.
I have tried three couple of files : uv.tpxo8_atlas_30 and hf.tpxo8_atlas_30, u_tpxo9.v5a and h_tpxo9.v5a, uv.AO_2008.out and hf.AO_2008.out. All of them failled with the same error.
On the fortran file I just changed the value of "FIRST" and "LAST" according to my boundaries' file.
The liq file contains the discharge cuve for the two boundaries upstream. And it seems to be not enough regarding the error in the log files. When I add a SL column in this liq file, the log file indicate that velocity is missed. But I expected to have the hight and the velocity automaticaly provided from the files of the database I use.
I am using TPXO (which looks easier to use) as first try of tide database as recommanded in a post some years ago (
www.opentelemac.org/index.php/kunena/scr...de-coordinates#35651). But my aim is to use FES2014 database since it has been validated on my study area previously. I download the folder needed but I do not realy know how to extract the harmonics constants. Is there a package to use in matlab or python or other to do the extraction ? There is a FES "softward" too, but I still do not get how it works.
I am looking forward to your answer.
Best regards,