Hello Bert,
What about running the TELEMAC-3D and TOMAWAC models alone? Do they work?
What about running the same set-up but with a another geometry file (e.g. coarser)?
Can you run every example of coupling between TELEMAC-3D and TOMAWAC without problem?
- examples/tomawac/3Dcoupling/vnv_3d_coupling.py
- examples/tomawac/Coupling_Wind/vnv_3d_coupling.py
- examples/tomawac/Rip/vnv_rip.py
You can run the command:
validate_telemac.py vnv_3d_coupling.py or validate_telemac.py vnv_rip.py
to run them in a row
Try to use a debug configuration with debug options to investigate.
See e.g. the S9.gfortran.debug configuration in the $HOMETEL/configs/systel.edf.cfg configuration file, in particular the flag fflags_debug_gfo for gfortran compiler.
fflags_debug_gfo: -g -Wall -fcheck=all -fbacktrace -fbounds-check -finit-integer=-1 -finit-real=nan -ffpe-trap=invalid,zero,overflow
It may be a memory issue.
You can put the output listing in a file in order to read possible other messages.
Otherwise proceed step by step:
- start with standard input files, options, no Fortran file or usual user Fortran files,
- then change what is not standard one by one and when OK add another one etc.
It may help you to isolate what could be suspicious.
Hope this helps,