I was reading the manual on the sections of k-epsilon turbulence closure model and there are two options for: OPTION FOR THE BOUNDARY CONDITIONS OF K-EPSILON:
1 = No turbulence (k and ε takes the minimum values KMIN and EMIN defined in
subroutine CSTKEP), which is the default value,
• 2 = Hans and Burchard’s formula (introduced in version 7.0).
I was trying to find which formula is number 2 and I couldn't find it. There is also a reference to this matter
this old post on the forum.
I think they are referencing to this paper but I'm not sure to which formula for both k and epsilon:
Umlauf, L., & Burchard, H. (2003). A generic length-scale equation for geophysical turbulence models. Journal of Marine Research, 61(2), 235-265.
On the file kepcl3.f, lines 255 for k and line 314 for epsilon, they name and show the formula but I don't understand all the variables that are in these equations.
Any help with this?